Kendrick Brothers Announce New Project Underway in 2021

The director of the popular faith-based movies Overcomer and War Room says he and his brothers are scheduled to begin shooting their next film in 2021. The film is based on a true story. Director Alex Kendrick says the yet-unnamed film is currently in development.

Kendrick and his brothers, Stephen and Shannon, released their sixth movie, Overcomer, in 2019. It opened at No. 3, earned an A+ CinemaScore rating from moviegoers, and grossed $34.6 million.

Alex Kendrick will share the director role with someone else. “We know we’re going to executive produce it,” Kendrick said. “But we’re also using this film to give [an opportunity to] some of these young Christian filmmakers that are so talented – and we’re trying to help mentor them. They will have a larger part in the next one.

“We will continue making movies ourselves, but at the same time, we’ve got to start passing the torch and investing in other filmmakers [who will] continue doing this for decades down the road. We are finding some talented, sold-out young filmmakers.”

“We will continue making movies ourselves, but at the same time, we’ve got to start passing the torch and investing in other filmmakers [who will] continue doing this for decades down the road. We are finding some talented, sold-out young filmmakers.”

“We’re really excited about this movie because it’s such an inspirational story. And so beyond that, I don’t want to let the cat out of the bag.”

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