Lights, Camera, Discipleship! – THE FORGE

By: Brenda Harris

The Heart & Message Behind the new movie "The Forge"
Coming to Theaters August 23, 2024

Growing up it was a special treat to go to our one local theater on Saturday and watch a family-friendly matinee. Popcorn, laughter, and sticky floors were all part of the experience. I have always loved movies and remember being fascinated by stories, actors, excitement, and glamour.


Now for more than 10 years, God has given me the privilege of working with the Kendrick Brothers — making movies! Beyond the popcorn and entertainment, our commitment as a team is to follow the path the Lord lays out for us and to focus on His timing and instruction. Our ultimate purpose is to honor the Lord and challenge believers to go deeper in their walk with Him.

During production I have a front-row seat into what God is doing before the movie is even complete. In the summer of 2023, our crew gathered in Albany, Georgia, to begin work on the next film — The Forge. Long before production, God birthed the idea of this movie about discipleship in the heart of Alex Kendrick. He and his brothers, Stephen and Shannon, prayed for confirmation and direction before the first words of the script were written. When the focus of discipleship came together as a compelling storyline, the cast was chosen, the crew was enlisted, locations were secured, and all the pieces began to take shape. 

It’s my joy to serve as the prayer coordinator for the Kendrick Brothers. Prayer and Scripture are an integral part of every production day. About a year before the filming begins, I assemble a team of prayer warriors. These committed Christ-followers from across the country begin covering the entire film process in prayer, asking for God’s hand to guide in all decisions related to the movie.

Next, the search begins for local believers who are available and committed to come on the set and pray for the production team. Our cast and crew work hard, but they also have families, concerns for physical or emotional needs, and burdens that are waiting to be shared with someone who cares. That is our privilege as on-set prayer warriors.

We have high standards for on-set prayer warriors. In addition to having an active prayer life and being available, we seek out those who understand what cannot be communicated to the public during production. Prayer warriors cannot be movie fans on the set; they’re there to pray. They must demonstrate a welcoming air of love and compassion. We often need to be quiet and avoid being in the way while being present and available. Sometimes we prayerwalk the set; at other times we find a corner and pray. In addition to praying for all the people, we pray about the weather, safety, equipment, cast interaction, traffic noise, and unexpected distractions.

Each workday starts with devotion and prayer. Because our team trusts God’s Word, I ask the Lord for a “word from the Word.” Every morning as the cast and crew members arrive for breakfast, the prayer team interacts with them, shares the verse-of-the-day card, and finds out how to pray for them. It’s a great way to build relationships and establish why our team is there.

Salvation through Jesus Christ is free, but discipleship is costly.


The message of The Forge is discipleship. Salvation through Jesus is free, but discipleship is costly. It means prioritizing Him above everything else. Discipleship involves surrender. In Luke 9:23, Jesus said, “‘If anyone wants to follow after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow me.’”

The Forge tells the story of Isaiah Wright and his mom, Cynthia. Isaiah is a 19-year-old with no direction, no motivation, and no relationship with Jesus. As his mother prays and enlists the support of Miss Clara (from the Kendrick Brothers’ movie War Room), they see God at work. Isaiah encounters Joshua Moore, a seasoned saint who invests in him and shows him firsthand what it looks like to be a disciple of Jesus.

Jesus poured into His disciples so they could, in turn, pour into others who would become His disciples. He invited people into a deep, personal relationship with Him. Teaching others to live completely for Jesus every day is a vast need; it involves time and personal discipline to walk alongside others in their spiritual journey. But it’s a command given to us by Jesus Christ Himself: “‘Go, therefore, and make disciples’” (Matt. 28:19a).

The characters of Miss Clara and Joshua Moore inspire me to take advantage of every opportunity to disciple those in my circle of influence. Discipling others is what God allows me to do on and off the movie set. He brings people to me — camera operators, actors, and young people trying to “get their foot in the door” of the faith-based film world. My most important job is to point them to the One who loves them and has a unique plan and purpose for each of them. During these connections, I love them, pray for them, share Scripture with them, tell them of God’s faithfulness, and walk with them in their journey.

This on-set discipleship began for me in 2014 when we were filming War Room. Now 10 years and several movies later, I remain in contact with many of our former crew. I check on them, encourage them, challenge them, and love them. I do life with these precious folks, even from afar. And I have the privilege to pray for them. As I lift them to the Father, I know He knows what they need, He sees what I can’t, and He is doing a work in each of them. A MOVEMENT OF MULTIPLICATION What about you? Whom are you discipling — your grandchildren, young people at church, or the neighbor who mows your lawn? Think about it: If you discipled two people this year and next year those two people each discipled two people and so forth, more than a million people would be discipled after 20 years. God’s directive to make disciples doesn’t expire as we age. No matter where you are in your journey, you can model the joy of growing as a disciple for someone along the way. That’s discipleship in action!

Brenda Harris finds pure joy investing in the lives of others as they pursue a love relationship with Jesus. Married to Mike for 52 years, Brenda is constantly amazed at how God finds ways to use her in His kingdom’s work.

From the movie producers of The Forge and War Room come exciting new resources for anyone who desires to grow spiritually and become an all-in follower of Jesus. Teaching the next generation to surrender to Jesus and live for Him is a great need, and one these resources are committed to meeting. As you read these books individually or in a group, you will be called to commit boldly to Jesus while also discipling those you know and love to do the same. Are you ready to join a discipleship movement? Learn more about these resources at

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