Provision Through Prayer

On Aug. 28, 2015, we had the privilege of releasing a feature film entitled WAR ROOM into U.S. theaters and over a dozen international markets. The movie introduces viewers to the concept that prayer can be a powerful weapon that will positively impact every area of our lives. In WAR ROOM, an elderly widow named […]
War Room DVD and Blu-Ray

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE “An Inspiring Movie Full Of Faith And Hope And Love.” – Bob Lepine, CCO, Family Life “Inspiring and entertaining! A brilliant film!” – Brian Doyle, Founder and President, IRON SHARPENS IRON WAR ROOM Don’t Miss the Film that Inspired Audiences and Became the #1 Movie in America CBA Exclusive Editions Available […]
War Room Opens in Theaters Around the World

For media inquiries, contact: Jennifer Willingham // With humble hearts and thanksgiving to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we are excited to announce that WAR ROOM opens in theaters this weekend! Alex, Stephen and Shannon Kendrick continue to be in awe of how God is working through Kendrick Brothers Productions. When asked by BeliefNet how the Kendricks choose […]
Bob Lepine, CCO, Family Life
“An inspiring movie full of Faith and Hope and Love.”
War Room is Coming to Theaters August 28th!

The Kendrick Brothers are excited to announce that their fifth film, WAR ROOM, is scheduled to debut in theaters across the America on Friday, August 28, 2015. Written to entertain audiences of all ages and appealing to both men and women, WAR ROOM tells the story of Tony and Elizabeth Jordan, a couple who seemingly have it all […]
Investing in the Next Generation

As the Kendrick Brothers planned the production of their fifth film, one of their goals was to invest in some of the brightest and most promising students from across the country who are actively pursuing a future in Christian filmmaking. Seeing 2 Timothy 2:2 as a great model, the brothers desired to “entrust … to […]
Press Release for Movie 5

Kendrick Brothers Productions wrapped up the filming of Movie 5 on July 28th in Concord/Charlotte, North Carolina. While the title of the movie and its release date have not yet been confirmed, you can read the latest news about the movie here!
Praying for Movie 5

The power of prayer is a major theme of Movie 5 and the power of prayer was vital for our team during the filming of Movie 5. Local prayer warriors in the Concord/Charlotte area joined with over 1000 other pray-ers who signed up through our website to stand in the gap during each day of […]
Moving Ahead on Movie 5

The Kendrick brothers are now shifting into the production of Movie 5. Over the last five months we set up a production office, conducted online and live casting sessions, locked in our crew, and scouted the needed locations for the story. Every location is visually rich and completely fresh to us. God has provided an […]
Movie Planning Continues!

Thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement. We are inspired and excited as we continue with the script writing and research for the next movie. God continues to confirm and bless the direction. This Spring we will be casting actors, selecting our crew, and scheduling the details of the production. Currently, we have […]